3rd Adventure Walkthrough

Mission 1

Requirements to finish: 1,000 Pawn Points, Money, access to Wellness Clinic.

Begin by exploring to your lucky number location (if you forgot, you get your lucky numbers by buying Wonka Bars, eating them, then taking the wrappers to the nursing home internet room. It will probably take more than one wrapper to actually get the numbers to show.) Once you explore the city to your lucky numbers you come to a hatch where 3 gutter punks are. Feel free to read if you'd like but it's not necessary since i'm telling you what to do. You'll need to find all the punks throughout the cities. The first one is located at walmart, and he'll ask for a magnet. Buy this from the pawn shop for 1,000 PP and $10,000. Give it to him and he'll give you a patch. Next go to the wellness clinic and another punk trades you your patch for a bottle of glue. Take the glue to the red light district where you trade the glue for a fake ID. Go to the liquor store and buy yourself 6 "crudeweiser" beers. Now go drink all 6 of them. (located in your large backpack) You'll get a few scenes you have to skip through but ultimately you meet a general who tells you to meet him at the nightclub. Once at the nightclub you get a roast beef that you must eat. Once the roast beef is eaten you get a dossier that tells you, you need to get a boat.

I don't remember what adventure it is but you should be able to go to Second City docks and hop in your boat.

The general tells you to rest up.

Adventure 1 complete!

[Liquor Store Unlocked]