3rd Adventure Walkthrough

Mission 5

This mission is easy, so long as you have access to Hoburbia and you have all the NPC characters at the parking lot located at the 2nd city. Read the Dossier. It says you need to recruit Ahab the Hackeysack Champion. If you don't have Ahab avaiblabe at the parking lot. You must: 1) Have Tiny Tim the Tejano Tornado 2) Completed adventure 17 from the 1st set. Then Explore the 3rd sewer going to 3,6 . If you have Ahab available. Go to the parking lot. Go to Hoburbia and buy Altroids and Extra Large Bowling Ball from the Flea Market at the Tin Can Alley. Eat the Altroids. Go to the Docks and talk to Ahab. Hack the Extra Large Bowling Ball at him. Mission 5 Completed!