3rd Adventure Walkthrough

Mission 4


I suggest you visit the Wellness Clinic before doing this adventure as you wont be able to visit it afterwards until the next day. Read the Dossier. Your next task is to recruit Crazy Eddie. Goto the soup kitchen over in Hoburbia. You'll talk to the lady telling you Crazy Eddie is at the Court House. Go there which is located at Hoburbia. Sign up for the cooking contest. You will have to use the main ingredient and another 3 that corresponds to what the judge wants. After you select the 3 Ingredients the judge will drop clues whether you got them right or not. This is what you should use for the following: - Whatever you make should be fresh! = Pre-chewed Gum - Make me something with potatoes. = Fries - Make something... bubbly. = A bar of Soap - Make something... Mysterious. = Half a hotdog - Make it sugary! = Half a doughnut - Make something intense! = rotten fish raw chicken leg raw potato - Make it earthy! = raw potato - Make it salty! = fries AND rotten fish together - I need more fiber in my diet... = rope, empty (copied this part from another site that didn't explain the "empty part") - I could really go for something glazed. = mirror shard - It's been awhile since I've had any seafood. = Rotten Fish - I've got a sweet tooth today. = doughnut AND pre-chewed gum - I've got a hankerin' for something fruity. = apple core - I'm in the mood for some poultry. = raw chicken leg - I'm pretty hungry. Whatever you come up with, make sure it's hearty. = bowling shoes potato - Pack of fries Whatever you make should be fresh! = soap+raw chicken leg - Give the soup some froth. = soap If you don't get the ingredients right, you can either try again with different ingredients. Or Ask to use a different main ingredient which will change the others as well. After winning the contest Mission 4 is Complete.