3rd Adventure Walkthrough

Mission 12

Read Dossier. Click the Skate Park. Read your mail from Wonk. Blow the Loompa Whistle. Click the Canbodia Map then on the map click Docks at the bottom left. You need an engine part and fizzy lifting soda. Remember you'll need a Feather (buy bread from Walmart and then try and catch a winged rat at the
2nd city at city hall), Soda Water and a Bar of Soap to make the fizzy lifting Soda. Go to the Hobo Army Base and step in the General Office. "Pony up $100,000 for a motor" . You get the Motor. Now go back to the Docks. Hop onboard and have Ahab stear you back to Canbodia. At the Skate Park follow the diolog then when Lance says lean left "> Join in ". Click "Ahab! Get us outta here!" Then follow the diolog. Mission Complete!